VEG CITIES | Middlesbrough
Update from Middlesbrough Environment City
Middlesbrough Environment City launched the Veg Cities in August 2018 to increase veg in the diets of people living in Middlesbrough. Working closely with schools, the University, local restaurants, local growers and partners, the project has sucessfully become part of the Food Partnership and continues to grow through the town.
Middlesbrough Football Club, The Co-Op, Tesco, Teesside University, MIMA, Newport, Pennyman and Park End Primary have all signed up and are benefitting from the project.
Middlesbrough Environment CIty already held fantastic information relating to food waste from schools, thanks to the brillant work Warrens Group Ltd, who convert food waste to generate over 100 million kWh of clean, green energy every year.
The Veg Patch has currently saved nearly a tonne of fruit and veg from going to landfill and into the bellies of people in Middlesbrough. The project is now in 2 primary schools with more planned to start in September. Pupil led eco squads have been set up in the schools to run The Veg Patch stalls with the main focus being on our local environment. The stalls are ran every Friday with support from Veg Cities to ensure that the schools community have access to fresh fruit and veg for over a weekend.
The produce varies from week to week and is currently supported by 2 local Co-Op stores, as the project grows, more supermarkets have pledged to come on board. During the school holidays the Veg Patch stall will be part of The Feast of Fun. MIMA are running the University stall, with a view for their own permanent stall to run on a Thursday.

What's happening in Middlesbrough
Is your organisation or business involved in growing, cooking, selling, serving or saving veg from waste?