Health and hospitals
Time to set an example
The NHS is at breaking point, spending between £5 billion and £9 billion per year treating obesity and related complications such as type-2 diabetes. Over 60% of the 1.35 million NHS workforce is overweight or obese.
Your organisation can set the example for the rest of the nation by taking action to promote veg in-house, and with your wider policies.
Veg Cities actions
Educate about food waste
Support food waste education through roadshows, workshops and city campaigns and initiatives.
Grow or cook extra vegetables to donate
Grow or cook extra vegetables to donate to projects and to those most in need.
Improve access to those in most need
Increase the uptake of Healthy Start Vouchers, Rose Vouchers or through other local initiatives.
Include 2 portions of veg in every meal
Include at least 2 portions of veg in every meal in public procurement and out of home sector.
Monitor and reduce food waste
Initiatives to monitor and reduce food waste with a focus on vegetables.
More veg out of school hours
Improve access to veg for children enrolled in after school or holiday activities.
Run growing and cooking classes and training
Run growing and cooking classes and training for veg-centred meals.
Veg challenges and competitions
Promote competitions and challenges in your organisation, school or workplace.